Unleash event growth: unify, personalize, and drive results

Our customer data & intelligence platform simplifies event orchestration. Gain a unified view of your audience, personalize experiences at scale, and achieve measurable results.

Ready to consolidate your customer journey on web and mobile apps with your CRM data? Let's get started!

Unify data, unlock insights

Stitch your web and mobile app data with your CRM and POS to create a unique customer profile that can be used for retargeting, remarketing, cross-sell, upsell, attribution and Customer Life Time Value (CLTV) analysis. You can build custom audiences for both anonymous and existing customers for activation.

Dive into data analysis

Gain deeper understanding of all your campaigns through our campaign performance insights. Analyze campaigns based on various campaign UTM parameters as well as based on conversion metrics. Our real-times insights on creative performance can be used to optimize campaigns for better ROAS outcomes and protecting your Ad budget.

Harness the power of AI

Leverage artificial intelligence for actionable insights on campaign performance trends as well as SKU performance. Use our SKU performance insights to move SKUs up or down in the product listing pages. Identify non-converting SKUs and eliminate them from catalogue ads in lieu of better performing SKUs.

Tracking Across Devices

No more juggling multiple platforms. Ingest Labs provides a centralized view of ad performance across desktops, mobiles, and tablets. This unified perspective allows you to identify trends and optimize campaigns for maximum impact on every device your audience uses.

Key benefits:

Unified customer view

Click through attribution dashboards for better understanding of channel performance

Actionable insights or next best action

Realtime campaign performance insights that can be used for optimizing ROAS outcome

Create highly custom audience segments for retargeting and reactivation

Accurate attribution for Affiliate and influencer marketing

Unify data, unlock insights, and make smarter decisions. Let's talk to showcase how Event IQ empowers you.